Thursday 14 May 2009

literature, Tom Sawyer, Chapters 29-31

Becky Thatcher's family threw a party and almost everyone came. Everyone had lots of fun and played games. Tom main focus though was Becky. While Tom was playing with all his schoolmates, Tom was hoping that huckleberry would show up with the money so that he could impress his friends and most of all Becky. But the call didn't come that night. He was hoping the next day would be more successful. But the next day all of his friends and becky went to another friends house to go get some ice cream with out Becky's parents knowing about it. But once they arrived, Tom saw Huck hiding in the shadows and under his arms was a box. Tom was ho-ping it was the money. Later Huckleberry follow another group of people up a hill at night but he kept his distance so that they wouldn't see him. Huck also noticed that they had firearms and once they arrived at a cabin, he hid behind a rock so that he could still hear but they couldn't see him.
At that moment, He heard a large about of shooting and screaming. Huckleberry run down the hill as fast as his legs could carry him.

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