Wednesday 20 May 2009

Literature, The Giver, Chap.1-5 Questions

1. Why might the arrival of a jet be a terrifying experience for the entire community?

Because they had never experienced anything like it and it wasn't safe to fly over a community.

2. What do you think might happen to someone who is released from the community?

They were probably killed and banished from the area

3. Name one thing you learned about the community from the discussion during the ritual telling of feelings.

The entire community was forced by law to do things that the government wanted them to do.

4. What is different about the way children are born and infants are cared for in the community? 

Children are born in Nursing homes. Each woman may have three children. Then the babies are sent to the Child Nurturing Center. Once december came they were given to a family unit. Only 50 babies were allowed each year. If their were more than 50 then they would be dismissed.

5. Why was it so difficult to get rules changed in the community?

Because the leaders who watch the community had to report to the main leader who had a lot of things on his mind and a lot of work. When the leaders thought that maybe a child should be allowed to receive a bike at the age of eight instead of nine they had to report to the main leader. But nobody wanted to do that because he had a lot of work and something as small as that would just annoy him and never be changed.

6. Why were Gabe’s eyes of such interest to Jonas?

Because they were bright. Unlike anyone else inside the community beside himself, gabe, and another five female he noticed in the streets one day.

7. How did Lily react to the new word “hippo”? Why did she react this way?

She giggled at the funny word because she had never heard it before.

8. Why did Jonas risk the humiliation of public chastisement (being disciplined in front of people) for taking an apple from the recreation area?

Because it had changed for a split second in the air four times and he was curious on how this happened. So he ignored the rule and took it home.

9. What effect did the pills have on Jonas and the other people who took them? 

10. Why do you think all adults were required to take them?

I don't know.

11. Why do you think Birthmothers, or biological mothers, held such a low status in the community?

Because they only had three children, sat around for three years, then did hard labor until they were old and weak

12. Do you think the lives of the elderly were better or worse than they are in our society today? Give a good reason for your opinion.

I think it would be worse there. because they couldn't do whatever they wanted. But, people would bath them for service and they never needed to clean themselves.

13. What did the committee consider when giving children their life assignments?

They did watch and see what the children did in their service hours. Also they watched to see what they children grew skilled at. 

History, Pages 73-76

Soldiers Leaving For Home

With so much bad news pouring out of Canada, morale was low among the troops between boston. Over 4,000 of them went home. Among the remaining  regiments, many were sick, hurt, and few signed on for another tour of duty.

The Two-pronged British Assault

Washington accurately thought that the next strike would be New York. Even during the siege of Boston, some preparations wee made for the defense of lower Manhattan and long Island. However, Washington knew that without the slightest semblance of a navy, he could put up merely a temporary defense. Eventually, he knew,the Americans would be driven out.

literature, The Giver, Chapters 3-5

The Nurturing Center let Jonas' father take the child home. The Nurturing Center workers had no idea that they knew his name "Gabriel". Once he came home, Lily loved playing with him. Jonas noticed that Gabriel had bright eyes. Everyone, besides him, a female five that he noticed, and Gabriel had light eyes. Everybody else seemed to have dark dreary eyes. 

Asher needed to play catch often because he needed to work on his hand eye ordination, which wasn't every good. So Jonas and Asher threw a apple for a game of catch. But Jonas noticed something, The apple changed. Even though it was a split second, it had changed. This happened four times. Jonas asked Asher is he noticed anything different about the apple. All Asher said was that it was bruised (He has dropped it a few times). Jonas tried to squint his eyes and look at a distant object to see if his eye's were working right. They were. He was confused and curious. So he broke a minor rule and brought the apple home with him. He watch it carefully and threw it against the wall just to see it bounce off with no changes. 

The next morning, Jonas went off to do volunteer work. He rode  dow the street looking for Jonas' bike. It took a few minutes but he found it laying sloppily against the wall instead of in the bike rack. Jonas went inside and did service. He saw Jonas and another girl inside giving old people baths in the Old people center. He gave an Old lady a bath and it reminded him of giving Gabriel a bath.

Tuesday 19 May 2009

History, pages 69-72

Social Justice and the General Welfare

To protect the life and liberty of all freemen, there was an established catalogue of penalties for the loss of each limb or any other act of maiming or injury to an individual.

What was not provided

They didn't provide for any executive to speak with one voice for all of the states in time of emergency.  Also, They didn't provide for any means of enforcing the decrees of Congress except by sending out an army to declare war on an offending state.

Literature, The Giver, Chapters 1-2

Chapter One

Jonas, A young boy at the age of eleven. He tells a story of when he was a ten and a Jet flew
over the community all were ordered to stay inside from the intercoms. After a few minutes, 
everybody in the community was told that he was a new pilot and would be dismissed. We learn 
that december is a very exciting time for all children and adults. All children that are born during 
the year are given the same birth date. some may be walking, other may be just a few days old.
Also, only fifty children are allowed in a group each year. so if their are 60 children born, 10 will
be dismissed.

Chapter Two

Jonas was eager to become a twelve. He knew that once you became a twelve you receive an 
assignment. His father told him a story about how he knew he would work at the children 
development center. He said that when he was released from school every day he would go to
the Nurturing Center where the new born children were kept. The Elders watched him and knew
that he loved the babies. So when he became a twelve, The committee gave him the assignment
of working at the Nurturing Center. Jonas had no idea what his Assignment would be. He was very
excited and nervous for the big day.

Monday 18 May 2009

History, Pages 65-68

By the time the thirteen colonies in America adopted their Declaration of Independence, they had already been meeting together as a confederation of states or as a congress of states for nearly two years. They did all of this without authority from England and without any formal constitution.

All the other things were Articles (laws) that the founding father created.

Friday 15 May 2009

History, Pages 58-61

Social Justice and the General Welfare

To protect the life and liberty of all freemen, there was an established catalogue of penalties for the loss of each limb or any other act of maiming or injury to an individual.

Channels of Justice

In america the founders decided to make laws to protect women. Women were protected protected by law from violence and abuse or forced marriages.