Wednesday, 20 May 2009

literature, The Giver, Chapters 3-5

The Nurturing Center let Jonas' father take the child home. The Nurturing Center workers had no idea that they knew his name "Gabriel". Once he came home, Lily loved playing with him. Jonas noticed that Gabriel had bright eyes. Everyone, besides him, a female five that he noticed, and Gabriel had light eyes. Everybody else seemed to have dark dreary eyes. 

Asher needed to play catch often because he needed to work on his hand eye ordination, which wasn't every good. So Jonas and Asher threw a apple for a game of catch. But Jonas noticed something, The apple changed. Even though it was a split second, it had changed. This happened four times. Jonas asked Asher is he noticed anything different about the apple. All Asher said was that it was bruised (He has dropped it a few times). Jonas tried to squint his eyes and look at a distant object to see if his eye's were working right. They were. He was confused and curious. So he broke a minor rule and brought the apple home with him. He watch it carefully and threw it against the wall just to see it bounce off with no changes. 

The next morning, Jonas went off to do volunteer work. He rode  dow the street looking for Jonas' bike. It took a few minutes but he found it laying sloppily against the wall instead of in the bike rack. Jonas went inside and did service. He saw Jonas and another girl inside giving old people baths in the Old people center. He gave an Old lady a bath and it reminded him of giving Gabriel a bath.