Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Literature, The Giver, Chap.1-5 Questions

1. Why might the arrival of a jet be a terrifying experience for the entire community?

Because they had never experienced anything like it and it wasn't safe to fly over a community.

2. What do you think might happen to someone who is released from the community?

They were probably killed and banished from the area

3. Name one thing you learned about the community from the discussion during the ritual telling of feelings.

The entire community was forced by law to do things that the government wanted them to do.

4. What is different about the way children are born and infants are cared for in the community? 

Children are born in Nursing homes. Each woman may have three children. Then the babies are sent to the Child Nurturing Center. Once december came they were given to a family unit. Only 50 babies were allowed each year. If their were more than 50 then they would be dismissed.

5. Why was it so difficult to get rules changed in the community?

Because the leaders who watch the community had to report to the main leader who had a lot of things on his mind and a lot of work. When the leaders thought that maybe a child should be allowed to receive a bike at the age of eight instead of nine they had to report to the main leader. But nobody wanted to do that because he had a lot of work and something as small as that would just annoy him and never be changed.

6. Why were Gabe’s eyes of such interest to Jonas?

Because they were bright. Unlike anyone else inside the community beside himself, gabe, and another five female he noticed in the streets one day.

7. How did Lily react to the new word “hippo”? Why did she react this way?

She giggled at the funny word because she had never heard it before.

8. Why did Jonas risk the humiliation of public chastisement (being disciplined in front of people) for taking an apple from the recreation area?

Because it had changed for a split second in the air four times and he was curious on how this happened. So he ignored the rule and took it home.

9. What effect did the pills have on Jonas and the other people who took them? 

10. Why do you think all adults were required to take them?

I don't know.

11. Why do you think Birthmothers, or biological mothers, held such a low status in the community?

Because they only had three children, sat around for three years, then did hard labor until they were old and weak

12. Do you think the lives of the elderly were better or worse than they are in our society today? Give a good reason for your opinion.

I think it would be worse there. because they couldn't do whatever they wanted. But, people would bath them for service and they never needed to clean themselves.

13. What did the committee consider when giving children their life assignments?

They did watch and see what the children did in their service hours. Also they watched to see what they children grew skilled at. 

History, Pages 73-76

Soldiers Leaving For Home

With so much bad news pouring out of Canada, morale was low among the troops between boston. Over 4,000 of them went home. Among the remaining  regiments, many were sick, hurt, and few signed on for another tour of duty.

The Two-pronged British Assault

Washington accurately thought that the next strike would be New York. Even during the siege of Boston, some preparations wee made for the defense of lower Manhattan and long Island. However, Washington knew that without the slightest semblance of a navy, he could put up merely a temporary defense. Eventually, he knew,the Americans would be driven out.

literature, The Giver, Chapters 3-5

The Nurturing Center let Jonas' father take the child home. The Nurturing Center workers had no idea that they knew his name "Gabriel". Once he came home, Lily loved playing with him. Jonas noticed that Gabriel had bright eyes. Everyone, besides him, a female five that he noticed, and Gabriel had light eyes. Everybody else seemed to have dark dreary eyes. 

Asher needed to play catch often because he needed to work on his hand eye ordination, which wasn't every good. So Jonas and Asher threw a apple for a game of catch. But Jonas noticed something, The apple changed. Even though it was a split second, it had changed. This happened four times. Jonas asked Asher is he noticed anything different about the apple. All Asher said was that it was bruised (He has dropped it a few times). Jonas tried to squint his eyes and look at a distant object to see if his eye's were working right. They were. He was confused and curious. So he broke a minor rule and brought the apple home with him. He watch it carefully and threw it against the wall just to see it bounce off with no changes. 

The next morning, Jonas went off to do volunteer work. He rode  dow the street looking for Jonas' bike. It took a few minutes but he found it laying sloppily against the wall instead of in the bike rack. Jonas went inside and did service. He saw Jonas and another girl inside giving old people baths in the Old people center. He gave an Old lady a bath and it reminded him of giving Gabriel a bath.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

History, pages 69-72

Social Justice and the General Welfare

To protect the life and liberty of all freemen, there was an established catalogue of penalties for the loss of each limb or any other act of maiming or injury to an individual.

What was not provided

They didn't provide for any executive to speak with one voice for all of the states in time of emergency.  Also, They didn't provide for any means of enforcing the decrees of Congress except by sending out an army to declare war on an offending state.

Literature, The Giver, Chapters 1-2

Chapter One

Jonas, A young boy at the age of eleven. He tells a story of when he was a ten and a Jet flew
over the community all were ordered to stay inside from the intercoms. After a few minutes, 
everybody in the community was told that he was a new pilot and would be dismissed. We learn 
that december is a very exciting time for all children and adults. All children that are born during 
the year are given the same birth date. some may be walking, other may be just a few days old.
Also, only fifty children are allowed in a group each year. so if their are 60 children born, 10 will
be dismissed.

Chapter Two

Jonas was eager to become a twelve. He knew that once you became a twelve you receive an 
assignment. His father told him a story about how he knew he would work at the children 
development center. He said that when he was released from school every day he would go to
the Nurturing Center where the new born children were kept. The Elders watched him and knew
that he loved the babies. So when he became a twelve, The committee gave him the assignment
of working at the Nurturing Center. Jonas had no idea what his Assignment would be. He was very
excited and nervous for the big day.

Monday, 18 May 2009

History, Pages 65-68

By the time the thirteen colonies in America adopted their Declaration of Independence, they had already been meeting together as a confederation of states or as a congress of states for nearly two years. They did all of this without authority from England and without any formal constitution.

All the other things were Articles (laws) that the founding father created.

Friday, 15 May 2009

History, Pages 58-61

Social Justice and the General Welfare

To protect the life and liberty of all freemen, there was an established catalogue of penalties for the loss of each limb or any other act of maiming or injury to an individual.

Channels of Justice

In america the founders decided to make laws to protect women. Women were protected protected by law from violence and abuse or forced marriages. 

Thursday, 14 May 2009

History, Pages 55-57

The Freemen

The foundation of the Anglo-Saxons society was the freemen. They looked upon the king as their sovereign and defender but were subject to no other master except those whom they chose to serve.

Beginning of a Class of Bondsmen by 1066

During the latest states of the Anglo-Saxons they developed servants and salves. Nevertheless, the law still made it so that they weren't abused and treated badly.  They even received welfare. 

literature, Tom Sawyer, Chapters 29-31

Becky Thatcher's family threw a party and almost everyone came. Everyone had lots of fun and played games. Tom main focus though was Becky. While Tom was playing with all his schoolmates, Tom was hoping that huckleberry would show up with the money so that he could impress his friends and most of all Becky. But the call didn't come that night. He was hoping the next day would be more successful. But the next day all of his friends and becky went to another friends house to go get some ice cream with out Becky's parents knowing about it. But once they arrived, Tom saw Huck hiding in the shadows and under his arms was a box. Tom was ho-ping it was the money. Later Huckleberry follow another group of people up a hill at night but he kept his distance so that they wouldn't see him. Huck also noticed that they had firearms and once they arrived at a cabin, he hid behind a rock so that he could still hear but they couldn't see him.
At that moment, He heard a large about of shooting and screaming. Huckleberry run down the hill as fast as his legs could carry him.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

History, Pages 51-55

Hierarchy of a Republic 

It is apparent from the record that the delegates or "elders" from the people met at various intervals as a type of congress of house of representatives. There was also a permanent council of seventy chosen men who acted very much like a senate.

The Mystery of the Anglo-Saxons 

During the 1700's, one of the most fascinating and popular studies in England and America was unraveling the mystery of the Anglo-Saxons. 

Jefferson Studies the Anglo-Saxons in Their Own Language 

Jefferson learned the old language of the Anglo-Saxons and studied then in their own language.

Literature, Tom Sawyer, Chapters 27-30

Tom never got enough sleep because of the storm that went on for what he thought forever. All that was on his mind was the monkey that he could have received. Even though it was real, he thought it was a dream. After he left the house, he asked Huck if it were real and he said of course it was. Then they went to a alley where they thought the money was. Then they saw that they could get it as they crept inside they saw that the man that had it was drunk. But they only saw one empty bottle. If they saw more huckleberry would have gone inside and grabbed the bag. But they knew that he still could have gotten then.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

literature, Tom Sawyer, chapter 23-26

Tom was at school the next day. He crept into the door without anyone seeing. He saw that Becky was writing in her school book. He crept behind her to see what she was drawing. Once she saw the shadow she ripped the page out and slammed the book shut. She yelled at him for looking at other peoples things and ran out crying. After recess, they all were to come back inside. All the children were to return their books. The teacher was very strict and rude. Becky also thought that Tom would tell on her then she would be whipped. Once the teacher saw the ripped page he was enraged. He stood before the class and going through each child asking then if they did this to the book. Becky became very nervous, and started shaking. Tom immediately forgot the argument and was thinking of a plan. After several children were asked becky was next. The teacher said in a intimidating  "Rebecca Thacher, Did you damage this book!?" Becky started stuttering and almost cried. At that moment, Tom Jumped out of his seat and yelled "I did it!". Becky was amazed at his compassion. He took the punishment of a wiping and two hours of labor. 

History, Pages 46-50

Search for the Balanced Center

All the founders were all born citizens of the British Empire, which was structured under a limited form of Ruler's law. In the American colonies, some elements of People's Law were gradually emerging. 

The Extreme Exertion Required to Write a Sound Constitution

In 1775, when the leaders of Virginia saw that the king was disowning his American colonies and treating the like enemies, they recognized that they might be forced into a state of independence sooner than they expected.

Monday, 11 May 2009

literature, Tom Sawyer, chapter 19-22

Tom regretted not excepting Becky's apology. After he purposely flirted with Amy all day, he saw that she was sitting a bench with another boy looking through a school buck with their heads touching. Jealousy ran red-hot through his veins. Everything Amy was saying was blurred out. He ignored her the rest of the day and was angry with Becky. Becky saw that Tom was in pain and she was happy to see that he was feeling what she was feeling. After she arrived home she thought that she would hate him forever.

History, Pages 41, 45

Measuring Government-

When the founders created the government they wanted it to be almost powerless and controlled by the people. the measure sign shows that the far left says rulers law and the far right says no law. Today, we are very far to the left. But when the founders created the government they wanted almost no laws.

Too Much or Too Little

Powers, being given for some certain purpose, should be proportionate to that purpose. It is necessary to give powers, to a certain extent, to any government. If the government is too small, it must moulder and decay, if it's too large, the people must be oppressed. 

Two Opposite Systems of Law

the founders knew that they were pioneering new land. In the past people lived under the rulers law. Also in the past all different territories went by these classes, 
1. A monarchy, which is a royal government by "the one"
2. An autocracy, which is also a government by "the one" or a dictator.
3. A plutocracy, which is government by an exclusive, wealthy class.
4. An oligarchy, which is government by an exclusive few.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Thomas Jefferson, Pages 22-31

On June 2, 1776, the Congress assembled as an informal "Committee of the Whole" to freely discuss Jefferson's Manifesto of Freedom. The Declaration was published by the Pennsylvania evening post on july 6, the copies were sent to the committees of safety in the various states by John Hancock, President of the congress. 

Tom Sawyer Chapters 14-17

Tom started to realize that school was worse then ever. He knew it was because the girl he liked was ill. He was scared that it might get worse or maybe kill her. For a long time, sports weren't entertaining, fishing wasn't fun, and hanging out with friends was a waist of time. He found himself thinking a lot. Whenever he was outside he was usually at her fathers house. after a few days he realized that being depressed over something that probably wasn't going to happen was silly. So he thought about the positive and began to hang out again.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Tom Sawyer Chapters 11-13

Tom and Sid went to bed around nine o'clock, said their prayer, and went to sleep. But Tom couldn't seem to fall asleep. after eleven o'clock he finally decides to get out of bed without anyone hearing him. Later he meets up with Huckleberry (The kid who had the dead cat) and heads to the graveyard. Once they arrived, they thought that they were hearing devils and spirits. But then they realized that they were three people. One was carrying a shovel another had a wheelbarrow and the last had a lantern. Tom and Huckleberry saw that they were digging up a grave. Once they had the corpse they threw her into the wheelbarrow.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Tom Sawyer Chapters 7-9

Tom Sawyer hated mondays. It meant a whole week of school. He decided that he would come up with a reason that he couldn't attend school. He knew that he had a loose tooth and thought that maybe if he had his aunt pull it and get to say home but he knew that this would hurt much more then faking a broken toe. So early in the morning he fell out of his bed and groaned louder and louder until his aunt came upstairs. He told her that he thought that his toe was broken or badly infected. But his aunt didn't buy into his faking. She told him he wasn't getting out of school and he was going to get his tooth pulled. 

After Tom had his tooth pulled, he walked to school and everyone was amazed by the gap in his mouth. He seemed to be the center of attention and he liked it. He also talked to a kid who had a dead cat and he was telling him how the dead cat could cure warts. He also had four other stories how you could cure warts. They were all superstitious and untrue. It just shows how much of an imagination Tom and his friends have. He also started drawing a picture for the new girl in school eventually writes that he loves her and she smacked her and telling him that he was bad. But Thomas knew that she was satisfied. 

Thomas Jefferson, Pages 15-21,

Thomas Jefferson was born april 13, 1743 in Virginia.  When he was born George Washington was already eleven years old and Benjamin franklin was thirty-seven. Thomas loved his father very much. He was the hardest worker and strongest man he had ever seen. Thats why it was such i shock for him when he unexpectedly died. Thomas was then the man of the house and had to provide for his family. 

When Thomas turned sixteen he was excepted into the College of William and Mary in Virginia's capital city of Williamsburg. When he joined he was ranked as an advanced student. Jefferson first dug into Latin and Greek so he could read classical works in the original languages. He loved learning so much that at parties he could pull away from his dearest friends and return to his studies. Amazingly, Thomas graduated from college at the age of nineteen.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

History - Introduction TMOA p. 6-12

The Founders Held a Long-Range View of the Future

The founders believed that their commonwealth of freedom would eventually encompass the
entire North American continent. Also as far as population went they predicted that there would 
be about 50 million people. John adams also said that one day America would have around 200 
and 300 million. Today we have an amazing number of around 242,530,000 Americans.

The Founders Sense of Mission

As John Jay pointed out, the American people had been literally thrust into an amazing
accumulation of fortunate circumstances which obligated them to determine whether or not a 
body of approximately three million human beings could organize themselves into a free nation.

America Becomes the Hope of the World

America was known for it's freedom and a hope for a good life. So many Europeans who 
didn't have good jobs or just wanted to have a free life moved to the America.

Responsibility of the People Under the American System

It was a basic principle of the American experiment that it was to be a government of the
people, by the people, and for the people.

Gospel Principles

In Genesis 2:2-3 is said that God blessed the seventh day and made it holy. God also worked six days and rested on the seventh. Because God worked six days, we need to work hard during the week and stay productive. But on Sunday, we need to rest and forget all "unimportant" work that can wait until monday. 

Tom Sawyer Chapters 4-6

Tom Sawyer and his Aunt Polly were doing scripture study and memorizing verses. Tom was to choose five verses of his choice. He never looked for the scriptures he liked but instead he looked for the shortest and easiest to memorize. Even after he read all five for thirty minutes, he couldn't remember what they said. He was constantly distracted and always had his mind in a different place. His Aunt Polly was a sunday school teacher at his church. Whenever someone would recite a scripture they would receive a blue ribbon, after they had 10 blue ribbons they could trade then in for one red ribbon, after having 10 red ribbons you could trade them for one yellow ribbon. Once you had 10 yellow ribbons, you would win the prize of a bible (worth 40 cents). Aunt polly had already won two bibles this way. And Tom Sawyer over time would trade some of his things until he had enough ribbons for a bible. Everyone was amazed to see that he had enough ribbons to receive the bible because Tom never payed attention in class.

We learn that Tom hates Willie Mufferson because he is always clean and is always wearing nice cloths. All of the girls loved him. Every sunday he stands in front of the whole church and reads poetry. He also always has a handkerchief in his back pocket which tom thought was very snobby and a spoiled.

Monday, 4 May 2009

History - Introduction to The Making of America - p. 1-6

- The Three Things All Mankind Is Seeking

Fist of all, mankind longs for freedom, both personally and nationally. Second, mankind longs for prosperity, again both personally and nationally. Third, Mankind longs for peace. To achieve these, the Constitution of the United States was written.

- The Founders' Freedom Formula

The Founding Fathers wanted to make a country where there was only peace and where the people could live in happiness and not have to constantly be at war with other countries. o the founders sat down and invented one. Basically, the wanted to create a place of peace and with civilized people who didn't want to constantly fight for power.

-The Founders' View of Human Nature

Clinton Rossiter wrote, there is "no happiness without liberty, no liberty without self-government, no self government without constitutionalism, no constitutionalism without morality - and none of these great good without stability and order".

  -The Miracle of America

After several thousands years, the American charter of liberty turned out to be the first successful attempt to build a whole civilization on the principle of freedom. Americans, became the first free people ever. 

-The Culture Soil in Which America Freedom Grew

John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court said that the American people should all speak the same language, professing the same religion, very similar in their manners and customs, and should fight side by side throughout all long bloody wars.

Tom Sawyer Chapters 1-3

Tom Sawyer, a young boy that lives with his Aunt Polly in the country near the river. The story starts with his Aunt Polly yelling for him. Eventually, she hears him leave the closet and tries to run past her unnoticed. But she grabbed his shirt just before he passed her. Seeing jam on his hands and mouth she became angry at him and started yelling. This tells us that she has a easy temper and is constantly annoyed. After she grabbed Tom, he found a way to distract her to look the other way. Once this happened he ran from the house and jumped the fence. This tells us that Tom doesn't think of anything besides hanging out with friends and fishing. Later, Tom decides not to go to school, but instead he ditches and fools around with his friends. Aunt Polly knows that Tom was going to do this because he usually did on fridays. Later that night during supper, Aunt polly asked him questions that were full of guile. And eventually she knows for a fact that he didn't attend school. But she forgives him and said that he was a single cat. But she still made him work all saturday morning even though he always was with his friends.

Thursday, 30 April 2009

The Gifts of the Spirit

After we are baptized, we all receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. If we are faithful, we constantly have his influence with us. Also, if we stay faithful we can be blessed with spiritual powers called gifts of the Spirit. These gifts can help us know of the Gospel and teach it. They will also guide us back to our Heavenly Father. To use our gifts wisely, we need to know what they are, how we can develop them, and how we can avoid any temptations from Satan.